+ How do you control the noise from the crushing and screening section?
The crushing and screening equipment is contained within an enclosed area that uses a specially designed proprietary wall construction for maximum noise suppression.
+ How does your dust control work?
Dust is controlled using a high pressure water mist spray system with dedicated pumps. The system uses a special nozzle design and high pressure to produce an ultrafine water mist while consuming very little water.
+ How do you deal with the vibration?
Civil foundation design and layout is optimized for vibration cancellation and absorption.
+ Why have crushing and screening operations inside a surface facility?
Having crushing and screening inside the facility keeps this aspect out of sight and contains noise to the maximum for environmental reasons and permitting requirements.
+ What type of crusher do you use?
The crushing plant is equipped with a primary jaw crusher and a secondary cone crusher.
+ How do you keep the crushing plant compact enough to fit inside a surface facility?
The use of vertical space is optimized by using high angle conveyors and bucket elevators to form a closed circuit crushing operation?
+ Can the crushing and screening operation be mobile?
Yes. The option of a self-powered mobile crushing and screening plant is available.